Admit One is in Cannes and having a blast watching the films on offer – most having their World Premiere. Big thanks to the Cannes Press Office for letting us take part again this year.

But it’s not just the films that make a festival like this, it’s the people you meet – like-minded movie geeks who love cinema as much as you do (if not more) and will travel to globe to be part of events like Cannes.

I was fortunate to bump into Alex Leadbeater and Sam Driver fromĀ in the press office and have enjoyed endless debates, in between screenings, on what we’ve enjoyed…and what we haven’t.

So when the lads asked me to take part in a mid-festival video review, of course I said “Yes!”. And thanks to I can share this with you now. Joining us on the panel is Peter Turner of

This year’s line-up was very much an unknown quantity, so it’s been quite the journey of discovery.


Which Cannes films would you like to see come to NZ?