Before I post my review of Transformers: Dark of the Moon and be berated by all for liking it, and then see a barrage of abuse hurled at Michael Bay (or ‘the Devil’ as he is more commonly known) for wasting a sum of money that could’ve been used to cure cancer or eliminate world hunger… check this out. On this Transformers outing Mr Bay actually reused footage from one of his old movies, The Island, in order to save money!

Ok, that money was probably wasted somewhere else in the bloated monstrosity that is his latest creation but, even still, it’s kinda cool.

I love the fact that he’s used unwanted camera angles from The Island too, and cleverly made it all work. Say what you want about the film, the special effects in Transformers: Dark of the Moon are phenomenal so it must have taken days (probably weeks) to get the timing right on these sequences. It’s not often you’ll hear this Michael but… nice job!

It would be interesting to know how many other filmmakers do this? Quite a few I’d imagine – especially with the price of a blockbuster these days being nothing short of several hundred million dollars.

Transformers fan or not, I hope you enjoy the clip…

Pretty cool huh? Anyone know of other films where this has been done?