With all the hype surrounding Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, and Marc Webb’s Spider-Man reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, it’s easy to forget there’s a Superman reboot on the way. It’s been many months since the first image from Zach Synder‘s Man of Steel was released, but now we get to see the logo – courtesy of the film’s official Facebook page.

Ok, it’s just a logo but I’m liking it… a lot. It feels more true to Superman’s origins; looking all otherworldy and like it came from some sort of ancient/advanced civilisation (which, of course, it does!).

Man of Steel isn’t released until June 2013, which is why we haven’t seen much yet. But with Christopher Nolan on as a Producer, expect to see the first footage attached to The Dark Knight Rises – probably in the form of a teaser trailer. At this point we’ll hopefully catch a glimpse of the all-star cast, which includes: Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Russell Crowe as Jor-El, Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, and Diane Lane as Martha Kent.

The official synopsis for the film is light on details: “Clark Kent/Kal-El is a young twentysomething journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question – Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha and Jonathan Kent, Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as “Superman,” not only to shine as the world’s last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.” However, we do know that the attack on Earth will be lead by legendary Superman villan General Zod, played by the awesome Michael Shannon, so expect an epic showdown there.

Here’s the Man of Steel logo:

So what do you think of the new logo? Are you even vaguely excited for this reboot? Do you think it will be a triumph like Watchmen or a dud like Sucker Punch?

And for those who didn’t see the first Man of Steel image, here’s Henry Cavill as Superman: